Peptan for Bone support

Bones, a balancing act

Whether we are 25 or 75, mobility is an important part of our lives. Looking after our bones is a vital part of this. Bones give our body the structure and strength we need to keep it moving [1]. Many people forget that bones are living tissues that are constantly renewed in carefully balanced processes of synthesis and breakdown, as shown in the image below:

Over time, the balance of our bone metabolism gets disturbed, and bone loss starts to take the upper hand. The amount and quality of collagen diminishes, which can lead to osteoporosis (OP). OP causes bones to become weak and brittle, leading to discomfort and an increased risk of fracture. One of the main causes of OP is menopause, which explains why more women than men are affected by the disease.
Taking care of our body and bones is vital to staying active, healthy, and mobile as we age.


1. Daneault et al., 2017


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