
Janne Prawitt 博士和 Frank Engel 先生分别担任 Peptan 科学总监和 Peptan 全球市场拓展经理,二位将向大家介绍 Peptan 在改善运动后恢复和运动表现上的最新临床研究成果。届时我们将邀请宾客参观我方展台,了解更多 Peptan 背后的科学及其配方,并品尝 Peptan 应用食品,如营养棒等。 





Peptan 是一种 I 型胶原蛋白,拥有独特的氨基酸组分。它富含甘氨酸、羟脯氨酸、脯氨酸、丙氨酸和精氨酸,可为人们提供其他蛋白质来源所没有的独特营养价值。因此,Peptan 在肌肉恢复、提高运动能力和结缔组织支持方面具有诸多优势。 

英国纽卡斯尔大学最近与罗赛洛联手开展的一项临床研究,得出一些非常有趣的结论。相较于接受安慰剂的受试者,补充 Peptan 的受试者在剧烈运动后的肌肉酸痛程度降低了20%。此外,他们的体能表现在运动后 24 小时保持不变,48 小时后有所增加,而安慰剂组的体能表现则逐渐下降。


作为世界领先的胶原蛋白肽品牌,Peptan 一直享有盛誉。Peptan 受到众多运动营养品厂商的青睐,在全世界众多运动营养类产品中都能发现它的踪影。 

Peptan 的一些功能优势如下: 

•        使用方便
•        味道清新自然
•        高度可溶

Peptan® IImII型水解胶原蛋白基质-关节健康理想之选

Peptan 最近推出一种基质成分Peptan IIm,含有以生物活性肽和糖胺聚糖 (GAG) 形式存在的水解 II 型胶原蛋白。低剂量的Peptan® IIm即可提供关节健康的诸多益处。科学研究表明,Peptan® IIm有助于软骨健康,提供缓冲和润滑作用,并保护关节免受炎症损害。

Peptan IIm 使用方便,可加工成各种剂型,如胶囊、片剂及口服液,非常便利。 

敬请在第二届运动营养学发展峰会上莅临我处,探寻Peptan 胶原蛋白解决方案对于运动营养的奥秘。我们致力于通过一系列创新型解决方案传递价值,利用自身研发优势和对本地、全球市场的深入解使您受益。 

本文出现的所有罗赛洛产品均十分安全,不含任何世界反兴奋剂机构 (WADA) 禁止的物质。

Premium collagen Solutions for Sports Nutrition

For many athletes, nutritional supplements are an essential part of their daily routine. So Rousselot have developed a range of products that can help them improve their regimen and, ultimately, help them achieve their goals. 

Peptan® Collagen Peptides: a safe, bioactive ingredient for sport-lovers looking to shorten recovery time

Collagen peptides are fast becoming one of the most popular ingredients in the sports nutrition industry. This is due to an increasing number of clinical studies and reviews that demonstrate collagen peptides’ ability to support an active lifestyle. As a result, sports authorities such as the International Olympic Committee are endorsing collagen peptides. 

Peptan is a Type I collagen that boasts a unique amino acid profile. It contains high levels of glycine, hydroxyproline, proline, alanine and arginine, all of which provide specific nutritional benefits not found in other protein sources. So Peptan offers multiple benefits linked to muscles, athletic performance and connective tissue support. 

Together with Rousselot, Newcastle University (UK) recently carried out a clinical study that came up with some very interesting results. When compared with those who received a placebo, the subjects who were supplemented with Peptan experienced 20% less muscle soreness after intense exercise, compared with those who received a placebo. Moreover, their performance was maintained at 24 hrs post-exercise and increased at 48 hrs, while the performance of the placebo group progressively declined.

In other studies, collagen peptides have been shown to support connective tissues and significantly reduce the risk of sports related injuries.

Peptan has gained a reputation as the world’s leading collagen brand. It is preferred by numerous sports nutrition manufacturers which is why it can be found in many sports nutrition products around the world. 

Some of the functional benefits of Peptan: 

• easy-to-use

• neutral in taste and odor

• highly soluble

Peptan® IIm: Hydrolyzed type II collagen matrix - Ideal for joint health

A recently launched Peptan IIm is a matrix ingredient containing hydrolyzed collagen type II in the form of bioactive peptides and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). At a low dose, Peptan® IIm provides multiple joint health benefits. Scientific studies demonstrate its ability to help promote cartilage health, provide cushioning and lubrication, and protect joints from inflammation.

Peptan IIm is easy-to-use and can be integrated into a variety of delivery forms such as capsules, tablets and drink-shots for maximum convenience. 

Visit us at 2nd Nutrition in Athlete Development Summit and discover Peptan collagen solutions for sports nutrition. We are committed to delivering value via a range of innovative solutions. We also offer you the benefit of our R&D and our extensive knowledge of local and global markets. 

All Rousselot products presented here are safe and do not contain substances prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).