我们发现 13 文件 匹配您的搜索条件

  1. Endotoxins: the uninvited guests in the land of biomaterials

    Endotoxins are the party crashers of biomaterial land. These uninvited guests can induce adverse effects in the body and controls on their presence are highly scrutinized by regulatory authorities around the world, especially the United States Food and Drug Administration, the FDA.

  2. Are you ready for the new MDR?

    Kathleen Jacobs explains how to choose the right biomaterial to ensure compliance with the new EU Medical Device Regulation.

  3. Science integration: putting together puzzles no one has put together before

    Catarina Ferreira Da Silva explains her job title switch at Rousselot.

  4. Transforming drug testing with lab-grown human organs or organoids

    Imagine if we could test medicines on realistic models of human organs grown in the lab? 3D tissue and organ models or organoids are starting to play an important role in drug screening, and they may soon become a dominant tool in pharmaceutical drug discovery, development and testing according to a recent review published by Gerado-Nava et al. in Advanced Healthcare Materials .

  5. Welcome & Orientation Event: Connecting, Learning, and Embracing Values

    On September 28 and 29, Darling Ingredients in Son (Netherlands) hosted an internal meeting with a unique purpose – welcoming and integrating 80 newly hired employees in Europe, across all the brands under the Darling Ingredients umbrella. This gathering served as an essential event to facilitate learning, network building, and alignment with the core values that are at the heart of the company's success.

  6. Innovation is about foreseeing the unexpected

    Type the word ‘innovation’ into any search engine and the number of hits you get, within seconds, will exceed several billion. Innovation is a buzzword. So, if you’re as serious about it as we are, how do you take innovation to the next level? What does innovating innovation look like? How can we harness its power to add value in areas and in ways we are not yet today?

  7. Three ways gelatin can improve your cell line development workflow

    Dr Elien Gevaert , Principal Scientist at Rousselot Biomedical, wrote an article on the potential of gelatin to optimize cell line development workflows for the October 2022 edition of European Biopharmaceutical Review. Read her key insights from the article below.

  8. The importance of gelatin in pharmaceutical and medical applications

    Gelatin has a long and varied history in medicine, going back as far as 1834. Nowadays it’s a common material used in a number of pharmaceutical and biomedical applications around the world. With its well-established track record of versatility and reliability, it’s no surprise that gelatin is now playing an important role in groundbreaking regenerative medicine where, for example, it is used to produce hydrogels that support cell growth. In this article, we’re going to cover some of the key moments in gelatin’s pharma-medical history and take a look at how it’s used in pharma and medical applications.

  9. Accelerating innovation from ideation to market, with the right biomaterial

    Did you know that Rousselot ® Biomedical is more than just a supplier of medical gelatins and collagens? Find out how we can help you reduce time to market by supporting you at every stage of development, from ideation through to final product.

  10. Mimicking natural cell environments

    Dr. Jeff Daelman, Business Development Manager, Innovations, at Rousselot Biomedical, wrote an article on how to select the optimal gelatin-based biomaterial for successful cell culture for the May 2022 edition of Medical Device Developments. Read his key insights from the article below.