Highly purified X-Pure gelatin creates optimal environment for stem cell differentiation and minimizes immune response

Biomaterial contamination with endotoxins (LPS) must be taken into account during in-vitro culturing applications Jos Olijve discusses 'Endotoxin & Cellular Activity' at the Society for Biomaterials 2021 conference, April 20-23, 2021.

Evidence from a recent study by Utrecht University shows that highly purified gelatin supports efficient stem cell differentiation and minimizes inflammatory response. This data is highly relevant to Rousselot Biomedical customers considering gelatin and GelMA as core biomaterials, and indicates that ultra-pure gelatins, such as X-Pure®, can speed up scientific research and help to close the gap between in vitro research and clinical applications.

“Lipopolysaccharides (LPS) are endotoxins found in the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria that result in profound in vivo and in vitro responses, so it’s vital that levels of these unwanted contaminants of biomaterials are as low as possible” comments Jos Olijve, Scientific Support Manager at Rousselot Biomedical.

If you are not planning to attend the event but would like to view the presentation, please get in touch to receive the infographic which highlights the data presented at the conference.

If you are registered to attend, don’t miss the Q&A session with Jos on Friday the 23rd from 3.15-4.15pm Central US time.


Chondrogenic differentiation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells may be negatively impacted by the presence of endotoxins. A decreased glycosaminoglycans (GAG) production could be observed in high-endotoxin type A gelatin-based hydrogels.

To find out more about why low-endotoxin is important to research and product development, please get in touch with us directly.