Real science comes from real people

The scientists and experts at Rousselot are passionate, purposeful and professional. Above all, they are real people eager to join forces and make a positive impact on our world. 

  • Deep specialists with a cross-disciplinary, innovative mindset
  • Harnessing divergence of thought to create new ways forward
  • Geared to internal and external collaboration for new and better outcomes
  • Capable of linking the science of today and tomorrow to market demand – and vice versa
  • An energetic, trust-based team spirit with high aspirations and room for fun

Get to know some of our scientists and their personal views on innovation


"To me, innovation means opening up your mind and connecting dots that may have seemed unrelated before"


"At Rousselot we are fortunate to have a highly dynamic, open-minded innovation team, always ready to assist in the process of reviewing the potential of new idea"


"Listening to our customers and the market is an important part of develop the value-added innovations or customized solutions"


"My role in innovation is to find new process solutions for making innovative concepts practically and economically feasible"