We have found 35 documents matching your search criteria

  1. Welcome & Orientation Event: Connecting, Learning, and Embracing Values

    On September 28 and 29, Darling Ingredients in Son (Netherlands) hosted an internal meeting with a unique purpose – welcoming and integrating 80 newly hired employees in Europe, across all the brands under the Darling Ingredients umbrella. This gathering served as an essential event to facilitate learning, network building, and alignment with the core values that are at the heart of the company's success.

  2. Jerk Langer, MD shares collagen peptides success stories in new interview

    In the second part of our interview with mobility expert Jerk W. Langer, MD (@jerk.w.langer), Jerk offers insight into the power of exercise, the benefits of collagen peptides, and ‘the collagen paradox’. He also shares success stories from his own practice.

  3. Holistic & science-based nutrition shows us a path forward

    Healthcare systems around the world face immense pressure, with costs soaring and populations growing larger and older. This makes the need for preventive solutions more urgent than ever.

  4. Innovation is about foreseeing the unexpected

    Type the word ‘innovation’ into any search engine and the number of hits you get, within seconds, will exceed several billion. Innovation is a buzzword. So, if you’re as serious about it as we are, how do you take innovation to the next level? What does innovating innovation look like? How can we harness its power to add value in areas and in ways we are not yet today?

  5. The future of hair beauty supplements

    NEW PIONEERING STUDY ON PEPTAN COLLAGEN PEPTIDES AND HAIR CARE The market for hair care nutricosmetics is rising rapidly: today, globally, 50% of people consume, or would consume, a supplement for hair care (1) . On this growing market, some of the biggest concerns of consumers are hair loss, strength, and thinning. For example, 20% of respondents in global surveys noting their anxiety about thinning hair (2) . How can manufacturers answer these concerns? A recent clinical study with Peptan® highlights collagen peptides’ influence on hair growth.

  6. With collagen, your brand can enter a new and growing mass market

    Rising health-consciousness is creating a new mass market for consumer healthcare solutions, with exciting opportunities for nutritional supplement manufacturers. In this article, we explore the trends shaping this diverse and competitive market, zooming in on consumers’ growing interest in collagen and identifying the potential of this ‘superstar’ ingredient for your nutritional supplements brand.


    Discover an inspiring next-gen beauty powder mix prototype that combines the power of Fonterra probiotics and Peptan collagen peptides at Vitafoods Europe 2023, May 9 to 11 in Geneva, Switzerland

  8. Sports nutrition & collagen: what the experts say

    Discover sports nutrition and collagen insights in expert panel discussion

  9. Rousselot part of pioneering digital study on collagen and real-life consumer Gut Health

    Integrating digital tools in consumer research is a major opportunity for players in the health and nutrition industry. It can save time and money, yield new insights into real-life consumer health, and offer survey participants an easier and more enriching experience. In this first of a series of two blog articles, we explore a pioneering digital study, featuring Rousselot’s Peptan collagen peptides, which has demonstrated how this can work: GutMe!

  10. What is bone health and how can collagen peptides support it?

    Collagen peptides are well-known for their positive effects on joint health. But did you know, exciting new research suggests they’re also good for supporting bone health?