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    In the ingredients business, it’s quite common for suppliers to back up sales activities with some form of technical support, as it can be challenging for buyers to get the full benefit of the products they purchase. In the collagen business, this kind of support is less common, but at Rousselot, we insist on delivering the best ‘TS’ we possibly can.

  2. The Bioavailability of Collagen Peptides

    Collagen peptides are derived from pure collagen. Collagen peptides are a functional ingredient used in food and beverages as well as dietary supplements, targeting both bone and joint health along with skin beauty . Furthermore, collagen peptides help speeding up the recovery process for sports enthusiasts and professional athletes alike. Scientific data show that, when used as a dietary supplement, collagen peptides have the ability to stimulate both cell regeneration and growth in the human body. The idea on the biological mechanisms underlying these health benefits continues to take form. In this article, we’re going to look at two pivotal attributes of collagen peptides, directly linked to their health benefits: bioavailability and bioactivity.

  3. Protein, the noble stranger among nutritional components

    Article adapted with permission from Alice Down the Rabbit Hole blog An informal survey among family and friends quickly proves that people’s general knowledge on proteins is quite poor. ‘Don’t proteins have something to do with egg whites? And there’s a difference between animal and plant proteins, right?’ The questions beg for some explaining.


    Maintaining a healthy, active lifestyle is a trend in many countries around the world. Statistics suggest the Covid-19 pandemic is boosting the trend, as more of us seek ways to keep fit at home. Nutrition, notably sports nutrition, is playing a growing role, among professional athletes and bodybuilders as well as a wider group of casual consumers. In the third of four broadcasts of the online Sports & Active Nutrition Summit USA 2021, held on February 18, the spotlight was on nutrition and recovery. In this article, we highlight the main messages shared during the session.

  5. What is sports recovery, why is it important and how can collagen peptides help?

    With recreational sports and fitness activity on the increase , this article takes a look at the importance of sports recovery and how an ever growing population of active people can benefit from the ‘recovery principle’. We also look at the best ways to optimize recovery, including some exciting news about collagen peptides.

  6. Finding the best beauty from within collagen

    More and more people around the world know about collagen peptide beauty benefits – the global market grows at 10%+ every year. Collagen has a massive social media presence with #collagen appearing in almost eight million Instagram posts as of February 2021. Clearly influencers like collagen, but numbers that big speak to a product that delivers long after any hashtag’s trending moment has passed.

  7. Rousselot Innovation Days 2020

    Day two of Rousselot’s Innovation Days 2020 took place on September 25.

  8. What role can collagen peptides play in today’s burgeoning health and wellness market?

    In response to the coronavirus pandemic, the health and wellness market is currently observing steady growth. More and more people are looking for safe, natural ways to stay healthy and maintain their immune system. So in this article we’re going to look at how collagen peptides can help manufacturers meet this evolving consumer demand.


    How can a creative restaurant chef help elite athletes improve their performance? In this blog post, Head Chef Erik te Velthuis of Topsport Restaurant at Dutch National Sports Centre Papendal shares a recipe.