To mark International Women’s Day 2024, we spoke to some of the many women working at Rousselot. In this series, they share their thoughts on their experiences at the company, offer advice to young women aspiring to work in the industry, and much more. Here, we speak to Jane Nansubuga, Application Scientist at our Global Expertise Center. 

When did you start at Rousselot/Gelnex?  

‘I started working at Rousselot in 2022.’ 

What would be your advice for a young girl who would like to work in the industry?  

‘Stay passionate about your chosen field, be open to learning and adapting, and don't be discouraged by setbacks or challenges along the way. With determination and commitment, you can achieve your goals and make a meaningful impact in these dynamic sectors.  

‘Build a professional network and seek out mentors in the industry who can offer guidance, support, and invaluable insights drawn from their own experiences. A mentor can assist you in navigating obstacles, defining career objectives, and making well-informed choices regarding your professional development.’ 

Why do you think Rousselot/Gelnex is a welcoming company for women?  

‘Rousselot fosters a culture of open communication and mutual respect, not to mention the various opportunities for career advancement and leadership roles for women. Having women represented in leadership positions within the company serves as role models for other female employees and demonstrates the company's commitment to gender diversity. 

‘The company offers flexible work arrangements, such as remote teleworking, flexible hours, and parental leave policies, which, in my opinion, greatly benefit women who often juggle multiple responsibilities, including caregiving, while just improving work-life balance.’ 

Anything else you want to share…  

“In a world where you can choose to be anything, be kind!” - Clare Pooley.’  

Explore the inspiring stories of the « Women of Rousselot ». Read their full interviews here :

Sylvie Audoly
Technical Support

Véronique Lebaud
Supply Chain Manager EMEA

Renata Meira
Process Coordinator

Viviane D'Avila
Technical Sales Manager Gelnex

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